
( *
 * LANGUAGE    : ANS Forth with extensions
 * PROJECT     : Forth Environments
 * DESCRIPTION : Examples
 * CATEGORY    : Games
 * AUTHOR      : Dirk Uwe Zoller, April 5, 1994 
 * REVISED     : May 31, 1994, Marcel Hendrix
 * REVISED     : February 27, 2004, Krishna Myneni [for kForth] 
 * )

\ tetris.4th    Tetris for terminals, redone in ANSI-Forth.
\               Written 05Apr94 by Dirk Uwe Zoller, e-mail:
\                       duz@roxi.rz.fht-mannheim.de.
\               Look&feel stolen from Mike Taylor's "TETRIS FOR TERMINALS"
\               Please copy and share this program, modify it for your system
\               and improve it as you like. But don't remove this notice.
\               Thank you.

\ ======= kForth requires
include ans-words.4th
include strings.4th
include ansi.4th
include utils.4th
: D<> D= INVERT ;
: >UPC 95 AND ;
: EKEY ( -- u | return extended key as concatenated byte sequence )
       BEGIN key? UNTIL
       0 BEGIN  key?  WHILE  8 LSHIFT key or  REPEAT ;

\ Pseudo-random number generation
variable last-rn
time&date 2drop 2drop drop last-rn !  \ seed the rng

: lcrng ( -- n ) last-rn @ 31415928 * 2171828 + 31415927 mod dup last-rn ! ;

: next_ran ( -- n | random number from 0 to 255 )
        0 8 0 do 1 lshift lcrng 1 and or loop ;

: choose ( n -- n' | arbitrarily choose a number between 0 and n-1)
        dup next_ran * 255 / swap 1- min ;

: ctable ( ... n -- ) dup >r create ?allot dup r> + 1-
    ?do  i c! -1 +loop ;

\ ========================

\ Variables, constants

BL BL 2CONSTANT empty           \ an empty position
0 VALUE wiping                  \ if true: wipe brick, else draw brick
2 CONSTANT col0                 \ position of the pit on screen
0 CONSTANT row0         
25 constant L/SCR

10 CONSTANT wide                \ size of pit in brick positions
20 CONSTANT deep                

\ Alter these key code sequences if your terminal handles
\   window provides different codes. The ones coded here are
\   for the xterm terminal window under X-windows.
1B5B44  CONSTANT  left-key     ( cursor left  )
1B5B43  CONSTANT  right-key    ( cursor right )
1B5B41  CONSTANT  rot-key      ( cursor up    )                 
1B5B42  CONSTANT  drop-key     ( cursor down  )
    0C  CONSTANT  refresh-key  ( Ctrl-L       )    
CHAR P  CONSTANT  pause-key
CHAR Q  CONSTANT  quit-key

0 VALUE score           
0 VALUE pieces          
0 VALUE levels          
0 VALUE delay           

0 VALUE brow                    \ where the brick is
0 VALUE bcol            

\ Access pairs of characters in memory:

: 2C@           DUP 1+ C@  SWAP C@ ;
: 2C!           DUP >R C!  R> 1+ C! ;

\ Drawing primitives:

: 2EMIT         EMIT EMIT ;

: POSITION      \ row col --- ; cursor to the position in the pit
                2* col0 + SWAP row0 + AT-XY ;

: STONE         \ c1 c2 --- ; draw or undraw these two characters
                wiping IF  2DROP 2 SPACES  ELSE  2EMIT  THEN ;

\ Define the pit where bricks fall into:

: DEF-PIT       CREATE  
                        wide deep * 2* ALLOT
                DOES>   ROT wide * ROT + 2* + ;


: EMPTY-PIT     deep 0 DO 
                          wide 0 DO  empty J I PIT 2C! LOOP 
                     LOOP ;

\ Displaying:

: DRAW-BOTTOM   \ --- ; redraw the bottom of the pit
                deep -1 POSITION  [CHAR] + DUP STONE
                wide 0 DO  [CHAR] = DUP STONE  LOOP  [CHAR] + DUP STONE ;

: DRAW-FRAME    \ --- ; draw the border of the pit
                0 DO
                    I -1   POSITION [CHAR] | DUP STONE
                    I wide POSITION [CHAR] | DUP STONE
                LOOP  DRAW-BOTTOM ;

: BOTTOM-MSG    \ addr cnt --- ; output a message in the bottom of the pit
                deep OVER 2/ wide SWAP - 2/ POSITION TYPE ;

: DRAW-LINE     \ line ---
                DUP 0 POSITION  wide 0 DO  DUP I PIT 2C@ 2EMIT  LOOP  DROP ;

: DRAW-PIT      \ --- ; draw the contents of the pit
                deep 0 DO  I DRAW-LINE  LOOP ;

: SHOW-HELP     \ --- ; display some explanations
                30   1 AT-XY ." ***** T E T R I S *****"
                30   2 AT-XY ." ======================="
                30   4 AT-XY ." Use keys:"
                32   5 AT-XY ." <--  Move left"
                32   6 AT-XY ." Up   Rotate"
                32   7 AT-XY ." -->  Move right"
                32   8 AT-XY ." Down Drop"
                32   9 AT-XY ." `P'  Pause"
                32  10 AT-XY ." ^L   Refresh"
                32  11 AT-XY ." `Q'  Quit"
                32  13 AT-XY ." -> "
                30  16 AT-XY ." Score:"
                30  17 AT-XY ." Pieces:"
                30  18 AT-XY ." Levels:"
                 0  22 AT-XY ."  ==== This program was written 1994 in pure dpANS Forth by Dirk Uwe Zoller ===="
                  0 23 at-xy ."  =================== Copy it, port it, play it, enjoy it! =====================" ;

: UPDATE-SCORE  \ --- ; display current score
                38 16 AT-XY score  3 .R
                38 17 AT-XY pieces 3 .R
                38 18 AT-XY levels 3 .R ;

: REFRESH       \ --- ; redraw everything on screen

\ Define shapes of bricks:

                4 0 DO NIP 2DUP 8 CMOVE NIP 8 + LOOP DROP
                DOES>   ROT 4 * ROT + 2* + ;

                        S"         "
                        S" ######  "
                        S"   ##    "
                        S"         "
\ ------------------------------------------

                        S"         "
                        S" <><><><>"
                        S"         "
                        S"         "
\ ------------------------------------------

                        S"         "
                        S"   {}{}{}"
                        S"   {}    "
                        S"         "
\ -----------------------------------------

                        S"         "
                        S" ()()()  "
                        S"     ()  "
                        S"         "
\ ------------------------------------------

                        S"         "
                        S"   [][]  "
                        S"   [][]  "
                        S"         "
\ ------------------------------------------

                        S"         "
                        S" @@@@    "
                        S"   @@@@  "
                        S"         "
\ ------------------------------------------

                        S"         "
                        S"   %%%%  "
                        S" %%%%    "
                        S"         "
\ ------------------------------------------

\ this brick is actually in use:

                        S"         "
                        S"         "
                        S"         "
                        S"         "
\ -------------------------------------------

                        S"         "
                        S"         "
                        S"         "
                        S"         "
\ -------------------------------------------

                ' BRICK1   ' BRICK2   ' BRICK3   ' BRICK4 
                ' BRICK5   ' BRICK6   ' BRICK7 
7 table BRICKS

                1  2  3  3  4  5  5 
7 ctable brick-val

: IS-BRICK      \ brick --- ; activate a shape of brick
                >BODY ['] BRICK >BODY 32 CMOVE ;

: NEW-BRICK     \ --- ; select a new brick by random, count it
                1 pieces + TO pieces  
                7 CHOOSE BRICKS OVER CELLS + a@ IS-BRICK
                brick-val SWAP + C@ score + TO score ;

: ROTLEFT       4 0 DO 
                        4 0 DO  J I BRICK 2C@  3 I - J SCRATCH 2C!  LOOP 
                ['] SCRATCH IS-BRICK ;

: ROTRIGHT      4 0 DO 
                        4 0 DO   J I BRICK 2C@  I 3 J - SCRATCH 2C!  LOOP 
                ['] SCRATCH IS-BRICK ;

: DRAW-BRICK    \ row col ---
                4 0 DO 
                        4 0 DO
                                J I BRICK 2C@  empty D<>
                                   IF   OVER J + OVER I +  POSITION
                                        J I BRICK 2C@  STONE
                  LOOP  2DROP ;


: PUT-BRICK     \ row col --- ; put the brick into the pit
                4 0 DO 4 0 DO
                    J I BRICK 2C@  empty D<>
                       IF  OVER J +  OVER I +  PIT
                           J I BRICK 2C@  ROT 2C!
                LOOP LOOP  2DROP ;

: REMOVE-BRICK  \ row col --- ; remove the brick from that position
                4 0 DO 4 0 DO
                    J I BRICK 2C@  empty D<>
                    IF  OVER J + OVER I + PIT empty ROT 2C!  THEN
                LOOP LOOP  2DROP ;

: TEST-BRICK    \ row col --- flag ; could the brick be there?
                4 0 DO 4 0 DO
                    J I BRICK 2C@ empty D<>
                       IF  OVER J +  OVER I +
                           OVER DUP 0< SWAP deep >= OR
                           OVER DUP 0< SWAP wide >= OR
                           2SWAP PIT 2C@  empty D<>
                           OR OR IF  UNLOOP UNLOOP 2DROP FALSE  EXIT  THEN
                LOOP LOOP  2DROP TRUE ;

: MOVE-BRICK    \ rows cols --- flag ; try to move the brick
                brow bcol REMOVE-BRICK
                SWAP brow + SWAP bcol + 2DUP TEST-BRICK
                   IF  brow bcol HIDE-BRICK
                       2DUP TO bcol TO brow  2DUP SHOW-BRICK PUT-BRICK  TRUE
                 ELSE  2DROP brow bcol PUT-BRICK  FALSE
                THEN ;

: ROTATE-BRICK  \ flag --- flag ; left/right, success
                brow bcol REMOVE-BRICK
                brow bcol TEST-BRICK
                   IF  brow bcol HIDE-BRICK
                       IF  ROTRIGHT  ELSE  ROTLEFT  THEN
                       brow bcol PUT-BRICK
                       brow bcol SHOW-BRICK  TRUE
                 ELSE  DROP FALSE  
                THEN ;

: INSERT-BRICK  \ row col --- flag ; introduce a new brick
                2DUP TEST-BRICK
                   IF  2DUP TO bcol TO brow 
                       2DUP PUT-BRICK  DRAW-BRICK  TRUE
                 ELSE  2DROP FALSE  
                THEN ;

: DROP-BRICK    \ --- ; move brick down fast
                BEGIN  1 0 MOVE-BRICK 0=  UNTIL ;

: MOVE-LINE     \ from to ---
                OVER 0 PIT  OVER 0 PIT  wide 2*  CMOVE  DRAW-LINE
                DUP 0 PIT  wide 2*  BLANK  DRAW-LINE ;

: LINE-FULL     \ line-no --- flag
                TRUE  wide 0
                  DO OVER I PIT 2C@ empty D=
                     IF  DROP FALSE  LEAVE  THEN
                LOOP NIP ;

                deep deep
                    BEGIN  1- DUP 0< IF  2DROP EXIT  THEN  DUP LINE-FULL
                    WHILE  1 levels + TO levels  10 score + TO score  
                    SWAP 1-  2DUP <> IF  2DUP MOVE-LINE  THEN
                AGAIN ;

: INTERACTION   \ --- flag
                CASE  EKEY DUP 255 < IF >UPC THEN
                    left-key    OF  0 -1 MOVE-BRICK DROP  ENDOF
                    right-key   OF  0  1 MOVE-BRICK DROP  ENDOF
                    rot-key     OF  0  ROTATE-BRICK DROP  ENDOF
                    drop-key    OF  DROP-BRICK   ENDOF
                    pause-key   OF  S"  Paused " BOTTOM-MSG  KEY DROP
                                    DRAW-BOTTOM  ENDOF
                    refresh-key OF  REFRESH      ENDOF
                    quit-key    OF  FALSE EXIT   ENDOF
                ENDCASE  TRUE ;

: INITIALIZE    \ --- ; prepare for playing
                EMPTY-PIT REFRESH
                0 TO score  
                0 TO pieces 
                0 TO levels  
                100 TO delay ;

: ADJUST-DELAY  \ --- ; make it faster with increasing score
                DUP  50 < 
                   IF 100 OVER -  
                 ELSE DUP 100  < IF  62 OVER 4 / -  
                                ELSE  DUP 500  < IF  31 OVER 16 / -  
                                                ELSE  0  
                THEN TO delay  DROP ;

: PLAY-GAME     \ --- ; play one tetris game
                    -1 3 INSERT-BRICK
                    BEGIN  4 0
                        DO  35 13 AT-XY
                            delay MS KEY?
                               IF  INTERACTION 0=
                                   IF  UNLOOP EXIT  THEN
                        1 0 MOVE-BRICK  0=
                REPEAT ;

: TT            \ --- ; play the tetris game
                S"  Press any key " BOTTOM-MSG EKEY DROP DRAW-BOTTOM
                    S"  Again? " BOTTOM-MSG EKEY >UPC [CHAR] Y =
                WHILE  INITIALIZE  
                0 L/SCR 1- AT-XY CR ;

CR .( Type: TT to play tetris.) CR

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