Vibrational levels and probability density curves
for the H2 molecule. The energy levels and wavefunctions were generated
by the program,
h2XJ0-x11.4th, using a recently published theoretical potential energy curve.
Atomic and Molecular Structure
- Computational Atomic Structure: An MCHF Approach by
C. Froese-Fischer, T. Brage, and P. Johnsson
- The Theory of Atomic
Structure and Spectra by Robert D. Cowan
Related Software
- Atomic Structure Package
of C. F. Fischer and collaborators
and textbook)
Atomic Structure Code of Robert D. Cowan.
- LEVEL and related programs
for computing structure of diatomic molecules, by R. J. LeRoy and others.
Forth Atomic and Molecular Software including programs for numerical
solution of the radial Schroedinger equation and 1-D problems,
with applications to the H atom, He atom, and the
H2 molecule.
- R Atomic and Molecular Software including a program for a variational calculation of the ground state of H2+, and a Numerov integrator with example use for the ground state of the H atom.

Atomic Collisions
Related Software
- naacb.4th
Compute spectral profile of radiation emitted in neutral atom-atom
collisions (Na in Kr buffer) using Lorentz model.
Laser-Atom Interactions
Quantum and Atom Optics course notes/text by Daniel Steck
Related Software
- qm8.4th
Compute the interaction of near-resonant laser with a two-level atom.
Course in Laser-Atom Interactions
Course description for a
graduate level course in laser spectroscopy and laser-atom interactions,
including a detailed list of topics covered, exercises, homework,
and exams. This course was taught by Krishna Myneni in Spring 2009.